Selfometer Poems

Free To Live, Us Children

Oldfield, Brenda M

Us children have a need
To be nurtured! By others
Thus we learn! To ‘nurture ourselves’
So we relate! To others
Free to live! In mutual respect

Us children have a need
To be raised! With love
Thus we learn! To ‘love ourselves’
So reflect! Humanity’s compassion
Free to live! Surrounded by love

Us children have a need
To be taught! To ‘think for ourselves’
Thus we learn! To ‘think before acting’
So we are mindful! Of our actions
Free to live! Harmoniously with all

Us children have a need
To be reared! With affection
Thus we learn! Feelings of tenderness
So empathise! With others
Free to live! Without judging

Us children have a need
To have our voices, heard!
Thus we learn! ‘How to listen’
So communicate! With skill
Free to live! Socially connected

Us children have a need
To be bestowed! With self-control, (not controlled)
Thus we learn! To ‘problem-solve’
So cope! With life’s blows
Free to live! Socially competent

Us children have a need
To be allowed! To freely play, laugh and read
Thus we learn! ‘How to learn’
So reach out! Towards the future
Free to live! By autonomy, and self-fulfilment

Us children have a need
To be cared for! Without stress and anxiety
Thus we learn! “The wisdom, of our bodies’
So protect us! From ‘ill-health’
Free to live! Without undue pain

Us children have a need
To be fostered! Without fear
Thus we learn! To repel hatred, and sadness
So treat others! With acceptance, and kindness
Free to live! Without bigotry and bullying

Us children have a need
To be brought up! With trust
Thus we learn! How to be honest
So see! ‘The best in others’
Free to live! With humble self-confidence

Us children have a need
To be tutored! By knowledge
Thus we learn! To seek wisdom of truth
So create! Human understanding
Free to live! Without vulnerabilities, and fear of the unknown

Us children have a need
To deny, the bullying, tactics! Of religion and materialism
Thus we learn! To humanise, not dehumanise
So form human bonds! Which are trusting and lasting
Free to live! Without threats and lies

Us children have a need
To live without abuse! Verbal, smacking or violence,
Thus we learn! Not to hurt, or humiliate others
Free to live! Without the tragic web, of self-destruction

Us children have a need
Never to be treated! As social rejects!
As monetary, and sexual objects!
Or status, and ‘honour’, accessories!
So hear our cries! “No more enslavement!”
Free to live! Surrounded, by comfort and safety

Us children have a need
To be recognised! Accepted! And understood!
Thus we learn! Not to feel alone, or be scared
Free to live! Without helplessness and fear of rejection

Us children have a need
To be parented! By those who chose,
To bring us, into this world, and who,
Can enrich our lives! With unconditional love!
Undivided attention! And freedom of choice!

Thus we learn! How to be responsible
Free to live! Without shouldering, the risible
Burdens, of man’s “Psycho-history”
Eclipsed only, by loving, and empathetic parenting

Us children cry! Not for an ideal world
But one effective, in shielding us!
From neglect, cruelty, and the mind games
Of unscrupulous, predation, and powers
From war and conflict, and its horrors

Rather, a socio-evolutionary world, where knowledge
Trumpets, brings to fruition, the joys and the gains,
The compassion, and the needs, so deeply enshrined
In nature and nurture! Of us children! Of all humankind!

Thus willingly, together, we can erase,
The ugliness, of lost childhoods, reflected in, but
Deeper than, man’s despair! So yes, we can liase!

Free to live, with cherished memories
Of a life of love, and our love of life